Short-eared Owl
Seen in the daytime more often than other owls, it was a brief stay for this Short-eared Owl.
Seen in the daytime more often than other owls, it was a brief stay for this Short-eared Owl.
After a very specialized treatment plan, the eagle recovered and was transported for release. The eagle flew to a large cottonwood tree looked around for about twenty minutes then took off for parts unknown.
Red-shouldered hawks are becoming more common in our area.
The orphaned pronghorn fawn that came in early summer was released in good habitat. .
This time they built and installed feeding stations for the flight pens. Their hard work included covering the platforms with astro turf and of course some artistic designs on the base! Much appreciation for the troops hard work and continued efforts at DVWR.
This 10 day old Great Horned Owl baby has just opened his eyes and his first look is of himself. Young owls bond quickly with the caregiver. This is not helpful because they must learn to be a wild owl & hunt for themselves. To prevent bonding with humans, we sometimes place a mirror in front of them so they can…
For six weeks DVWR continued to take in hundreds of shorebirds suffering from the botulism outbreak at Carson Lake in Churchill County. All hands were on deck for the monumental task of caring for the new arrivals. Additional space was needed so a new flight pen was constructed under Mike’s direction, Evelyn trained volunteers to…