New Arrival– and a Short Stay
Evelyn assessed just a short stay at DVWR for this young hawk. Possibly stunned from a window strike, proper nutrition will boost the hawk’s strength and flying skills in preparation for release.
Evelyn assessed just a short stay at DVWR for this young hawk. Possibly stunned from a window strike, proper nutrition will boost the hawk’s strength and flying skills in preparation for release.
Copy and past the link below for the news story “Into the wild: Dayton woman heals animals and returns them to nature.”
So named it is said because one of the calls it makes sounds like a saw being sharpened on a wet stone. The Northern Saw-whet is looking good!
The Season begins….Spring 2017 The owl baby season is upon us. Barn Owl young are found in haystacks when hay is sold off and used up. This little one is growing. Great Horned Owl young are getting blown out of their nests from high winds. These four Great Horned Owls are making…
One of the many first aid procedures recently at DVWR included Evelyn skillfully removing a fishhook caught in the throat of a cormorant. A release was then in order. Evelyn kept the beak secure at waters edge as they can quickly defensively jab with their beak. The cormorant was returned to its habitat and happily…
After arriving quite famished from migration and unable to fly, the Egret regained good health under Evelyn’s specialized care and was then released to a beneficial habitat.